Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Liqueur infused principally with Artemesia absinthium, commonly known as wormwood, and angelica, anise, balm mint, fennel, and hyssop, among other aromatics. Absinthe has a sharp, pungent flavor and a high alcoholic content, usually 136 proof, or 68% alcohol. Its pale yellow-green color becomes opalescent when it is diluted with water, as the drink is served. Henri-Louis Pernod first produced absinthe in 1797 in France from a recipe originated by a Frenchman named Ordinaire in Couvet, Switzerland. The liqueur is banned in France, the United States, and Canada, among other countries, because wormwood is harmful in the quantities required by the original recipe. Many substitutes have been developed that are sweeter and contain less alcohol than the original, but are quite similar in flavor.

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